Feb 05, 2021
There’s a signpost up ahead … our next stop ….
97+% of you may not recall the opening line of The Twilight Zone. Didn’t realize Rod Serling was a 20th century Nostradamus … predicting 60 years ago where our society would be today.
Voter Fraud notwithstanding… +/- 50% of your fellow Americans support the steamroller tactics of the Biden-Harris Regime… that controls two of the three branches of our government with the third branch “a crapshoot”.
You and I – may think the actions against Rep. Greene (R-GA) are absurd compared to every other word spewed out by AOC and her “Squad” cronies … by “Maxine” and her Congressional Black Caucus crazies.
The insanity of the upcoming Kangaroo Trial of Donald Trump … orchestrated by a deranged 80 y/o junior high school “mean girl”.
In This Twilight Zone … Up is Down / Down is Up … Right is Wrong / Wrong is Right … Insanity is in the Eye of the Beholder.
AOC is “a Joan of Arc” to an entire generation. Her bilious babble leading her lemming to a dark hopeless future.
“Maxine” and her ilk are allowed to screech and squawk under some Reparations License that defies any explanation.
That deranged 80 y/o junior high school “mean girl” has iron-fisted control over one of the most influential governing bodies on Planet Earth.
Ego maniacal tech-nerds can shred the First Amendment with a key stroke.
You and I – can hit our CAPS LOCK keys and rage 24/7 on social media about the absurdity of it all. If doing so prevents you from sticking your head in an oven … by all means RAGE ON!
Among the “You and I’s” there are a % of “good decent folks” who haven’t grasped that this is NOT simply a bad dream. A nightmare we will awaken from to go forth to enjoy Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.
Maybe their blissful ignorance is the better way to go?
America is indeed … “… traveling through another dimension; a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; … . There’s a signpost up ahead – our next stop …. ?!”