Tweets & Thoughts … Week of Oct 25.’18
AgentPierce = @TheAgentPierce … BobLee = @bobleesays .
Replying to @jwgiglio
ALWAYS disregard any comment containing any version of the following phrases… “it is obvious that”… “surely you can see that” … “we can all agree that” … That commenter is saying I HAVE A HUGELY INFLATED OPINION OF MY OPINION. SIMPLY AGREE WITH ME AND PROBLEM SOLVED.
America jumped that shark several years ago.
Paul Allen (and Steve Jobs) both die of forms of cancer. As far as I know, both were “good men”; but there is a sort of “King Midas lesson” in their passing. How much would either man have “paid” for another ten years ??? RIP.
Replying to @newsobserver
Let me guess… everyone still employed at The N&O thinks Nikki Haley “should be impeached” or similar such punishment for such a sacrilegious slur. … the same folks that don’t care for “RobRielleWho” and “Bully” Barber… LOLOLOL..
Replying to @Mediaite
Even CNN’s Brooke Baldwin and Jeff Zucker are embarrassed by this creep (Brian Stelter). He is “Milton” from Office Space.
Name another Sports Immortal who has aged as gracefully as Jack Nicklaus…
Replying to @stickwolf
Creepy Porn Lawyer and Chelsea Handler are PISSED they have yet to be “Faux Bombed”. Imagine the indignity of being a Level 4-5 Lib/Dem Trump-hater !!! … Threat Level Fuschia.
I don’t “know” any high-profile college FB or MBB coaches other than their public personas as displayed on national / regional media. I stay away from partisan fan sites for the same reason I stay off porn sites…. YUCK! … that said… in terms of “likability”, I rank Bobby Petrino among the most generally “unlikable” of his ilk. Maybe its his ruddy complexion… or his Arkansas hi-jinks… or … or… or … or simply the whole “Petrino package”. That a majority of rank/file Louisville alums/fans like/support the guy causes me to wonder “who ARE those people?” …
Luckily for Petrino, my opinion doesn’t count. Except to me.
It is a GIVEN.. There WILL BE Massive Voter Fraud by the Democs in the upcoming elections. … and, as usual, “we” won’t stop it ??? … Sooo, lets institute our own voter fraud. It ain’t all that hard to pull off; or they couldn’t do it so easily.
John Kasich? … isn’t he a character on The Simpsons? –
“Abortion is NOT murder” will always be #1 Most Ridiculous Argument. Maybe its “legal murder” but still “murder”. A distant #2 Most Ridiculous is ANY argument against Voter ID… I’ve heard them all.
Despite what tenured academaniacs want you to believe… being able to correctly spell “Nietzsche” is NOT a valid IQ test.
Charlie Kirk
College campuses have become a training ground of radical activists where instead of teaching the next generation, they are being trained by Marxist professors to destroy America from within