Deep Thoughts & Tweets … Oct 7, ’18

October06/ 2018



Tweets & Thoughts … Week of Oct 7

AgentPierce = @TheAgentPierce  … BobLee = @bobleesays .   


With a wife, daughter and twin granddaughters, I am AGGRESSIVELY OPPOSED TO all forma of sexual assault – sexual harassment – sexual intimidation – glass ceilings… et al. Perpetrators of such should be punished accordingly; including, but not limited to, public castration with a rusty oyster knife.BobLee1

That said, … FALSE ACCUSATIONS (for personal or political purposes) serve to embolden actual perpetrators of the above. Plus, of course, destroy the personal reputations of innocent men / boys / husbands / sons.  I equally aggressively oppose False Accusers.

BOTH Real and Faux cases are quite capable of ruining lives of otherwise innocent men and women and their families. Both situations are, alas, endemic in our society.

I do NOT have a solution to separating one from the other.  Judges and juries also seem incapable in many cases.

Guilty perpetrators with power and influence are capable of buying their wrongful innocence. Likewise, false accusers can easily marshal the support of a gullibly corrupt media to give credence to fabricated events. Examples of both are numerous.

All I can say is I hope no one reading this is ever on either side of this tragic socio-cultural scenario.


I am all for CELEBRATING victories… BUT “WE won” both The White House and this SCOTUS confirmation by the razor-thinnest of margins. …. Our enemies are numerous… and ruthless beyond description. … Sleep with one eye open as America continues to stare into The Abyss.


IMO… “We won”, in part, because Lib/Dem leadership greatly over-estimated the influence of “their media” beyond their own rabid mobs. … … … Any concept of “a mainstream media” has been debunked…. and obliterated.


Replying to @RealSeamrog @colinflaherty

Yeah… “Son of a mail man” has been the main thrust of John Kasich’s entire political career. Ergo, when Trump won and Kasich “went postal” it all seemed to make sense some how. Go figger…


TheAgentPierce RetweetedAgentPierce

RadioSmuggles Radio Smuggles
Replying to @BobLeeSays
Angriest Dem’s I’ve seen since Republicans freed the slaves.


In terms of their rabid partisan hatred… the only differences between Ruth “Buzzi” Ginsberg and Kathy Griffin or Alyssa Milano are varicose veins, liver spots and incontinence… #Midterms2018


Replying to @DesireeResists @KareninNC1960 @FoxNews
YIKES! …Paraphrasing… as Slick Willie said to Juanita… “ya might wanna put some ice on that … Desiree”.


I maintain a VERY select Focus Group of “Left-leaners” that almost never foam-at-the-mouth or go full-bore Tourette’s in publicBobLee1… that I have seen. One of them noted yesterday that perhaps Congress should use a strategy that parents of terminally bickering children employ over dividing desserts and other calamitous impasses – You Cut / I Choose.

Child A gets to cut the remaining slice of pie however he/she chooses … then Child B gets to pick which piece he/she wishes. It tends to promote equitable division of spoils.

This is NOT the first time this particular member of my Focus Group has had a good idea.  He has a few YEE HA LuLus too.



Democratic Strategist(?) Kirsten Powers says the ONLY case of False Accuser in the past 70 years was fictitious in To Kill A Mockingbird.  That was soooo INCREDIBLY STOOPID.  …. Kirsten Powers and Anthony “The Perv” Weiner were a hot’n heavy twosome for quite some time further attesting to Kirsten’s  INCREDIBLE STOOPIDITY.


Replying to @molratty @instapundit

Destroying the family unit in favor of “It Takes A Village” is key to their overall Re-Do of America. The Radical Left  has been very successful in destroying the AfAm family unit, so they know how to do it.


The November 6 Election will see a Tsunami of VOTER FRAUD by the Lib/Dems unlike any election in American history. … They will pull every trick in their playbook and some new ones.


FYI: “Salt Their Fields” is a historical metaphor usually referencing Rome’s strategy over Carthage to “insure one’s enemy cannot re-vive itself”.  Another version of Sherman’s “Scorched Earth Policy” thru Georgia.

.Next Time

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