AP: EIB – The Best There Is… The Best There’s Ever Been!

August02/ 2018



RUSH… The Best There Is… The Best There’s Ever Been

By BobLeeBobLee

Hey… it’s me BobLee.  I asked AgentPierce to loan me his page today.  Today’s subject might be too intense for the handful of  left wing loonies that visit BobLeeSays.  Pierce’s audience can handle it…


I am pleased to share with you an article from today’s Townhall.com by David Limbaugh… best-selling author and only brother of THE Rush Limbaugh. David wrote this this week on the occasion of Rush’s 30 Remarkable Years as The #1 Radio Talk Show Host on The Planet.

It has been my honor to count David and Rush as dear friends for over 35 years. That’s five years BEFORE The World ever heard of this “Limbo Guy” on the radio.  There was that time that we…  and when we … but, nevermind…

There are so many anecdotes, but enough about me… this is about Rush.

OK, one anecdote… RL went national in 1988… KABOOM!! Around 1991-92 he had become a Force That Could Not Be Denied… but “they” tried… and “they” have never stopped trying to deny his phenomenal impact on “Radio” and on Socio-political conversation in America. I noted…

“The so-called media pundits / experts are all saying “Limbaugh is a flash-in-the-pan… he won’t last”… in 30-40-50 years, Rush might decide to hang up his Golden Microphone after an unprecedented career as the most impactful radio personality in history… and the so-called media pundits /experts will harrumph and say “see… we told you so… he’ll never last”.

Yep… I predicted all this back in 1992. Am I cool or what?

EIB just hit 30 years and Rush’s ratings… his daily reach… his value to his advertisers… his impact on America’s socio-political conversation has never been stronger. Over 600 stations and over 25,000,000 weekly listeners… for 30 FREAKIN’ YEARS!

“The Left” has never understood Rush… his incredibly loyal listening audience “all across the fruited plain”… and “The Left” never will “get it”. Which is a quintessential key to his incredible success. He “gets them” with half his brain tied behind his back… but they will never “get him”.

If I would suggest only one website / one media source for you to visit it would be rushlimbaugh.com . His ever-evolving website is technically state-of-the-art simple to navigate. You can stream every show at your convenience. Check it out…

Enjoy this fine piece by Brother David about how Rush was always destined to be Rush. There is cool stuff in this article that even I didn’t know… YIKES!




Congratulations to Rush for 30 Remarkable Years

David Limbaugh… August 2, 2018David Limbaugh

This week marks the 30th anniversary of my brother’s national syndication in radio, and it has been a phenomenal success. Congratulations and kudos, Rush.

Rush was born for broadcasting, especially radio broadcasting. While he has enormous talent and makes broadcasting look easy, he cultivated his skills into a finely developed art through years of dogged determination and dedication.

He sensed he had this gift, because he began broadcasting when we were very young, without any prompting. He sat in front of the TV with the volume down and announced St. Louis Cardinals baseball games. When listening to sports broadcasts and AM radio, he did more than follow the play-by-play or the songs; he studied the great broadcasters and DJs with rapt fascination.
Like any beginner, he started out emulating the pros, but over time, he crafted his own style. He worked on his elocution and meticulously trained himself to ditch our Midwestern accent.

He was so enthused that my parents bought him a Remco Caravelle — an electronic device that allowed him to broadcast over the AM airwaves inside our home. He began using that with delight, and we were his audience.

Unlike some people who passionately pursue career or recreational paths for which they have no particular gifts, Rush was richly blessed with natural abilities tailor-made for broadcasting.

His voice is a malleable instrument under his complete dominion. He could do lights-out impressions of people, from colorful local characters to national celebrities. Impressionists don’t just have pliable voices; they hear details others miss. They notice the subtle nuances of voice patterns — the pitch, the enunciation, the unique vocal tics.

He hears things other people don’t; he observes things other people miss. He has always used those faculties in broadcasting.
Rush has a steel-trap mind and is one of the quickest studies I know, a gift he acquired from our brilliant father. He instantly absorbs anything he reads — assuming he has the slightest interest in the material — and has a wide-ranging aptitude for most subjects.



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