BLONDIE:.. The Cult Factory

College Ahead
May09/ 2018



Blondie: The Cult Factory

Imagine being a parent of a high school graduate and happily sending them into a cult to be indoctrinated daily and from all angles in the beliefs of that cult, AND paying between $40,000 per year for the honor.

That’s exactly what they are doing when they send their little skulls of mush off to college.

Forget teaching kids to be agile of thought.

Forget kids learning to take a lot of different ideas to make their own decisions.

There is nothing diverse about an American university. NOTHING.

It is a cult where you must conform to and confirm the group think or be ostracized.

We used to spend $40,000 to get kids OUT of cults. Now we spend it to put them IN the biggest cult ever.

No study, no poll, no thesis, no paper, no “expert” and no student who is a product of this cult factory should be trusted to have the sense God gave a snail.

QUOTE: An extensive study of 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S. published by the National Association of Scholars found that the ratio of faculty members registered as Democrats compared to those registered Republican is now a stunning 10.4 to 1.

Nearly 80% of the 51 colleges had so few Republican faculty members that they were statistically insignificant.


How Politically Biased Are Colleges? New Study Finds It’s Far Worse Than Anybody Thought.

James Barrett May 3, 2018 DAILY WIRE

It’s no secret that the majority of the faculty at our colleges and universities lean heavily to the left and generally support the Democratic Party’s agenda, and study after study over the last few decades has shown that ideological and political imbalance to be growing increasingly more dramatic. A new study has produced perhaps the most eye-opening findings yet.

An extensive study of 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S. published by the National Association of Scholars found that the ratio of faculty members registered as Democrats compared to those registered Republican is now a stunning 10.4 to 1. If two military colleges that are technically described as “liberal arts colleges” are removed from the calculations, the ratio is 12.7 to 1.

The researcher, Mitchell Langbert, Associate Professor of Business at Brooklyn College, found that nearly 40% of the colleges in the study had zero faculty members who were registered Republican. Not a single one.

Nearly 80% of the 51 colleges had so few Republican faculty members that they were statistically insignificant.

Here’s how Langbert leads into his study of what he describes as the “troubling” political homogeneity of faculty at our leading liberal arts colleges:

In this article I offer new evidence about something readers of Academic Questions already know: The political registration of full-time, Ph.D.-holding professors in top-tier liberal arts colleges is overwhelmingly Democratic. Indeed, faculty political affiliations at 39 percent of the colleges in my sample are Republican free—having zero Republicans.

The political registration in most of the remaining 61 percent, with a few important exceptions, is slightly more than zero percent but nevertheless absurdly skewed against Republican affiliation and in favor of Democratic affiliation. Thus, 78.2 percent of the academic departments in my sample have either zero Republicans, or so few as to make no difference.

My sample of 8,688 tenure track, Ph.D.–holding professors from fifty-one of the sixty-six top ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S. News 2017 report consists of 5,197, or 59.8 percent, who are registered either Republican or Democrat. The mean Democratic-to-Republican ratio (D:R) across the sample is 10.4:1, but because of an anomaly in the definition of what constitutes a liberal arts college in the U.S. News survey, I include two military colleges, West Point and Annapolis. If these are excluded, the D:R ratio is a whopping 12.7:1.

When Langbert broke down the political affiliations by field, he found some clear and rather unsurprising trends: by far the highest imbalance is found in the more ideological fields, in particular the social sciences and humanities:

The STEM subjects, such as chemistry, economics, mathematics, and physics, have lower D:R ratios than the social sciences and humanities. The highest D:R ratio of all is for the most ideological field: interdisciplinary studies.

I could not find a single Republican with an exclusive appointment to fields like gender studies, Africana studies, and peace studies. As Fabio Rojas describes with respect to Africana or Black studies, these fields had their roots in ideologically motivated political movements that crystallized in the 1960s and 1970s.

Langbert found the following ratio of Democrats to Republicans in the key academic fields (ordered from most biased to most balanced):
• Communications – 108 to 0 (no registered Republicans)
• Anthropology – 56 to 0 (no registered Republicans)
• Religion – 70:1
• English – 48.3:1
• Sociology – 43.8:1
• Art – 40.3:1
• Music – 32.8:1
• Theater – 29.5:1
• Classics – 27.3:1
• Geoscience – 27:1
• Environmental – 25.3:1
• Language – 21.1:1
• Biology – 20.8:1
• Philosophy – 17.5:1
• History – 17.4:1
• Psychology – 16.8:1
• Poli Sci – 8.2:1
• Computers – 6.3:1
• Physics – 6.2:1
• Mathematics – 5.6:1
• Professional – 5.5:1
• Economics – 5.5:1
• Chemistry – 5.2:1
• Engineering – 1.6:1

So how did we get here? Langbert notes that this trend toward an increasingly uniformly left-leaning faculty has spanned decades, both in the United States and Britain. “More than a decade ago, Stanley Rothman and colleagues provided evidence that while 39 percent of the professoriate on average described itself as Left in 1984, 72 percent did so in 1999,” Langbert writes. “They find a national average D:R ratio of 4.5:1.7 More recently, Anthony J. Quain, Daniel B. Klein, and I find D:R ratios of 11.5:1 in the social science departments of highly ranked national universities.”




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