Blondie: THE #1 Headline of 2017 is…

Mass Senate
December05/ 2017

THE #1 Headline of 2017 is…


When BobLee brings me my morning coffee… he usually adds a news tidbit along with the steaming cup.  Last week is was “Matt Lauer Was Fired…” BLONDIE

This morning it was… “No more calls.  We have our Winner for…

THE #1 Headline of 2017

and, as it so maddingly the case,… HE WAS CORRECT!

Massachusetts Senate president steps aside amid sexual misconduct probe against his husband

What makes this sentence so gosh darn “special” is that it is about the current rash of “sexual misconduct” currently sweeping across every facet of America.  The final two words “… his husband” was simply to clarify who was misconducting… NOT the fact that “he” has “a husband”.

Is it only a matter of time when BOTH “sexual misconduct” and “his husband” will be No Big Deal?  From the state that gave us Teddy Kennedy and “Fauxcahontas” Warren…

Will next year’s Winner headline be….

“XYZ politician / celebrity, while tweeting a selfie of him bludgeoning Santa Claus with a sledge hammer, discussed the sexual misconduct of his husband’s transgendered boy/girlfriend…”


Massachusetts Senate president steps aside amid sexual misconduct probe against his husband

Fox News Dec 4, 2017

The top Democrat of the Massachusetts Senate stepped aside Monday after his husband was accused of sexual misconduct by several men.

State Senate President Stan Rosenberg told other senators that he would relinquish his responsibilities as president temporarily amid a probe of allegations against his husband, Bryon Hefner.

“I believe taking a leave of absence from the Senate Presidency during the investigation is in the best interest of the Senate,” Rosenberg said in a statement. “I want to ensure that the investigation is fully independent and credible, and that anyone who wishes to come forward will feel confident that there will be no retaliation.”

Rosenberg initially said he would recuse himself only from matters related to the investigation against his husband.

Several men alleged last week that Hefner sexually assaulted or harassed them, including three men who claimed he grabbed their genitals, The Boston Globe reported. The men, who were not named by the Globe, said they did not report the abuse partly because they did not want to alienate the powerful Senate leader.




More Of:  So The Blonde Said… – LINK

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