One Year Ago…
I awoke with my stomach in knots…
It was Election Day….
Despite ALL information to the contrary, I thought that Donald Trump had a slim chance to beat Hillary.
After watching Trump rallies every night for months, I sensed there was a massive unreported, almost silent, enthusiasm for Trump.
There was no equal enthusiasm for Hillary.
There was a whole lot of prayin’ going on too. I will never diminish that factor.
I am grateful that I was on the winning side!
History….it’s always something!
And in retrospect, this wild and crazy year serves to bolster my awe for,,,
…the steely determination of 63 million people to halt the mess five decades of leftism has sunk us in.
America is still rockin’ it, after all these years!!
Hold. Fast.
We still have a potholed road ahead. But we have managed to navigate thru 12 months and we ain’t dead yet!