BobLee’s Road to Raleigh Experience

Paul Damascus
March06/ 2017

BobLee’s Road to Raleigh Experience

It is among King James’ signature events, that do not involve a flood, a whale, a manger or a crown of throwns.   Saul of Tarsus was traveling on the road to Damascus when he was struck blind and dumb by Jesus. When he came to, he was the Apostle PAUL!!

This past Sunday, yours truly had a Road to Raleigh experience. However, maybe not as historic.

Sunday I had a lunch in Chapel Hill at the Weathervane.   It was a board meeting of the International Society of Really Dumb Things Jocks and Coaches Say.  I am a founding member of this society. No surprise, huh?

The meeting was, of course, called to deal with “the ceiling is the roof” comment as uttered by His Airness to a global audience Saturday night.    This was courtesy of ESPN CEO, John Skipper (UNC-75).     (What would THAT recruiting commercial have cost UNC if they had to pay, which of course, they did not.)

The question to the committee was: Does “The celling is the roof” merit “Amphibious” status?   It was unanimously voted that it does!

Our cracker jack researchers have since learned that the “ceiling is the roof” is a misinterpretation of the old Swahili saying: “The sky is the limit”.

Enough about Michael, let’s talk about me.

I was driving home on I-40, the Road to Raleigh, after the meeting Sunday.  At 2:15 p.m., the retina in my left eye, detached. Uh-oh.

Coincidentally, twenty nine years ago, almost to the day, my right retina detached.  Around our house my left eye, for the past 29 years, has been known as Dad’s Good Eye.
Kid has already been assigned the task of coming up with a new name.

Events got hectic at this point, eventually ending up in the emergency room at Duke Hospital, under the care of the greatest medical professionals that you can imagine.
Tomorrow morning (Tuesday), I will undergo retina reattachment surgery.

We are not sure what my vision capability will be when everything settles down.  At this moment, I have two choices:  (1) Worry about it a lot or (2) turn it over to God.   Following a 3 a.m. anxiety attack, I am now opting for the latter.

What God’s plan is we do not know. As soon as we do know, I will tell you.   However,  Saul became Paul, The Apostle. I am already BobLee, The Internet Legend, so, I am curious as to what God has in store for me!   For sure, my possibilities of being an astronaut or playing center field for the Cardinals are shot to hell.


P.S. If the above does not contain the usual misspelling, bad grammar and totally useless ellipses… you are used to finding, it is because I am dictating to Blondie. She posted this!

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