HollyWeirdo meets Internet Legend ….

Got Mal
December17/ 2016


HollyWeirdo meets Internet Legend – KABOOM! ??

Folks, if you haven’t been following BobLee’s On-Line Adventure with the VERY Angry Hollyweird Super-Lib you have missed a Humdinger. Mental State

My mentor, amigo, and comrade-in-arms in chronicling Human Foolishness has caught himself a nasty, razor-totin’, hair-on-fire Trump-hater Extraordinaire from The La-La Land of Fruits & Nuts.
I’ve seen BobLee’s list of all the nasty names he’s been called over his 18 years of bitter hand-to-hand on-line combat… and this gal has added 4-5 doozies. She has “issues” …. LOTS of “issues”.

BobLee is playing “Angry Alex” like a tarpon on light tackle…. Gives her a little line… then pulls back… sets the drag… she jumps and tail-walks…. he reels her in a few feet. It’s incredible to watch a master craftsman at work. BL’s patience with these nutjobs is Jobian.

It’s a Trilogy (that means 3 for those of you in Rio Linda!)… so follow the links thru the past five days ….

You’ve Got Mail – Part 1

You’ve Got More Mail – Part 2

…. and MORE You’ve Got Mail –Part 3


I’ve been layin’ low lately (say THAT really fast three times while eating a saltine cracker) but I will be commentating soon on “Governor Ray/Roy” and other examples of arrested human evolution. Yes, “Governor Chicken Coop” is good too; but I’m going Roy CooperRoy Cooper with “Ray/Roy”. We’ll find out which one bothers him the most… and go with that one.

Am I the only one who thinks “Ray/Roy” looks like “that guy who substitute taught for your biology teacher in the 10th grade” …. the one whose socks never matched. Think about it.

If you think the War is Won after the Electoral College vote, then you don’t understand how very very much those 63,000,000 demented pinheads truly hate “people like us”.

Speaking of The Electoral College… I challenge you to find THREE millennial liberals who had ever heard of The Electoral College before November 9th. Just find THREE…. try it. You can’t do it.


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