Just a Flag…. Just a….. Just…..

June28/ 2015

There is this riddle. Q: How do you eat an elephant? ….. A: One bite at a time.

“An elephant” is used as the example of something very large in this riddle. It is not intended to signify the symbol for The Republican Party (GOP) although in today’s discussion that might be included. A “very large something” can indeed be consumed “bite by bite” with patience over time IF one has “a plan”….  enough small bites over enough time and any civilization can be decimated.

Over the past two weeks The Confederate Flag” a/k/a “The Stars & Bars has become THE single most universally vilified item in America. Individuals, organizations and major retailers are falling all over each other to vilify and purge “that flag”. A piece of historical memorabilia from one of the 2-3 most significant periods in the 250 or so years that America has existed as a sovereign nation.

I am NOT a fire-breathing “Save The Stars & Bars” guy. I AM a History Is History and Cannot Be Rewritten to fit political agendas kinda-guy.

dearnhardtjr….  Dale “Freakin’” Earnhardt Jr is on-board “Get Ridda That Flag”.  WOW!  Who’s next? Rachel Ray?  PeeWee Herman? Wayne Newton?

This Vilification & Purge occurred within the past two weeks because one deranged (white) person senselessly murdered nine (black) people in Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA. Had this horrible incident occurred in Charleston, West Virginia or in neighboring Southern city Savannah GA; there would still be national outrage at the incident, but NOT towards “that flag”.

A flag displayed at the South Carolina capitol contains The Stars & Bars. Nothing that we know about the deranged (white) sicko that murdered the nine (black) people in Charleston indicates he was a Civil War “buff”, a re-enactor, or a member of any organization that uses the “Confederate Flag” as its symbol. But the deranged (white) killer IS a resident of South Carolina and committed this crime within the State of South Carolina….. ergo “That Flag” must go says Dale Jr and others.

If this horrible incident had occurred in Iowa would Wal-Mart stop selling corn?  If in Vermont….. lets outlaw Maple Syrup.  Would those facetiously symbolic reactions promote peace, love and harmony across the “racial divide”?? ….. This technique is known as using absurdity to illustrate the absurd. You get my point?

The Must Get Rid of “That Flag” Mob is wallowing in its own self-congratulatory self-righteousness. Hey hey ho ho…. are we not “soooo sensitive” and soooo Politically Correct?

Will removing “that flag” from retail shelves and racetracks and from wherever it was three weeks ago, prevent any white person from killing anyone “of color”?….. What about preventing black guys from killing white people. Ooops, my bad. Can’t discuss that…. or can I?

DID YOU KNOW….. four years ago a 5-year-old little “white” girl – Allison Griffor – was killed in her home by four black men in a suburb of that same Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA…. LINK ….

You never heard about Allison Griffor? Where do you get your news?

Would getting rid of “that flag” five years ago have saved Allison Griffor’s life? Does the Flag Mob care about Allison Griffor? Do “white lives matter” in Obama’s America?

The deranged white man that killed the nine black people last week should be punished to whatever level the prevailing laws allow. Of course, I feel that same way about black people killing white people too. Oops. My bad AGAIN.

I do share one commonality with The Obamas. Yes….. neither The Obamas nor I much care about “Blacks killing Blacks”. Barack and Michelle, nor Al, nor BullyBarber nor I profess to giving a damn about that.

Did you Know….. Twice as many black babies are aborted EACH WEEK in America (average of 8,000/week) than all the “lynching of blacks” on-record in all of American history – 4,000. You didn’t know that? Where do you get your news?

Recall the Oklahoma (white) college student gunned down by four “joy-riders” “of color” several years ago. Those four cold-blooded killers “of color” were on-record expressing their hatred of “white people”. You forgot about THAT? Huuumm, I ask again, where DO you get your news?

NOTE:  That Oklahoma cold-bloodied Black-on-White murder was NEVER reported in any major media in the Raleigh-Durham area.

Want more about Black on White Violence?  Check with my friend Colin Flaherty….. check this website.

Purging “that flag” will not have a noticeable effect on my life, nor yours probably. I don’t have “that flag” on anything I own. It’s not a conscious thing, I simply don’t. I don’t have any Obama – Biden bumperstickers either.  THAT is a conscious decision.

The very cordial friendship I have with my next-door neighbor….. a black lady…. will not change as a result of “purging that flag”. My views towards The Obamas, Bully Barber, Malik Zulu Shabazz, Sheila Jackson-Lee, etc will not change either….. nor, I suspect, will their views towards “people like me” change by purging that flag.  Can they despise me any more than they already do?   That Michelle Obama sweats toxic hate from every pore.

Malik Zulu Shabazz…. Malik WHO?…. Malik Zulu Shabazz? Check out this influential black leader and his recent comments. – LINK – Again, WHERE do you get your news?

…. You should hear this Shabazz. I tangled with this “piecea work” back during Duke Lacrosse. He is Al Sharpton on Steroids. Nothing about Malik Shabazz EVER appears on Jim Goodmon’s WRAL or in any McClatchey media.

But…. but….. but AgentPierce. “It’s just a flag”.

Yep.  I could make a valid argument for its being purged if hired to do so.

That first time you heard about a Nativity Scene being ordered taken down 15-20 years ago…. that was “just a Nativity Scene”.

Removing the Ten Commandments from a public building? “Just a plaque on a wall”Silent Sam

Prayer in schools? Not a big deal. What difference did it make?

I got $5 that says UNC’s Silent Sam does not survive ‘til Labor Day. He’s “just a statue”.  

Have you already moved on from “that flag” because of the gay marriage decision?

Whatever your views on homosexuality and homosexuals, does this Supreme Court decision change those views? It might surprise you that I am likely more “tolerant” on the homosexuality issue than might be assumed.

Avoiding the usual cliché…. to my knowledge I do not have any homosexual “friends”. I do have a few homosexual “enemies” within the area media. I go days, weeks, months, years not concerning myself with the lifestyles of homosexuals or the lifestyles of heterosexuals either pro or con. Are they violating some Biblical edict by their behavior? ….. I have acquaintances current and former who have and do violate assorted Biblical edicts via their daily behavior.   I confess I am not too good “as my brother’s keeper”.

Is my daily life going to be markedly changed because of this most recent gay marriage decision??? It is “just a decision about whether people I don’t know can get a marriage license or not.” It “just” affects 2% of the population despite what Hollywood trumpets ad infinitum ……

So….. “just an old flag” …… “just a gay thing for their 2%” ….. “just a Nativity Scene”.

I’m sure “they” will stop now. “They” have everything they wanted now. Right?

“That flag” will be yanked from our history books within a few weeks. Homosexuals will be issued marriage licenses now. Those were the two “issues”….. Right?    “They” will stop their systematic dismantling of every brick in the foundation of America now? Won’t “they”?

We can go back to following The Kardashians on Twitter and seeing who our favorite team “drafted”……. burp.

OR….. will “their” Master List simply move on to dismantling the next brick….. “just a ______”

Remember “We will bury you” laughed in our faces by Nikita Khrushchev over 60 years ago.   Nikita is long gone but the “we” are still out there…. and right on schedule.

OK Pierce. What are we suppose to do? Let America be systematically destroyed as we wring our hands and say Oh Me, Oh My??

Electing people to represent “us” who said they “shared our concerns about America” hasn’t turned out too good. Pretty much a waste of time and energy in fact. Those elected officials, for the most part, have capitulated on virtually every issue…. curled up in a fetal position terrified of “assassination by media”.   But, hey. “It was just a flag…. a gay thing…. a Nativity Scene…… ”.

Short of stockpiling guns and ammo, I really don’t have any other advice today.


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