Back in 2003 a friend of mine was offered a gig with a certain “worldwide leader”. When he told me, I immediately bet him $5 he would not last three weeks. I lost that sawbuck. He lasted four weeks.
In August 2012, I was offered a similar gig fraught with very similar perils. Via hook, crook and circumstance I have somehow survived. This weekend begins Season Three of The Good Sports pre-game show on WCHL 97.9 FM with fellow provocateur Art Chansky. Go figger….
Meanwhile, among Kenan’s lofty pines; another IED percolates to the surface. Like Iron Eyes Cody, a single tear rolls down Choo Choo’s cheek.
Chansky and I have been “playing with house money” since our second week of The Good Sports back in 2012.
The local “We Hate Those Two Guys” Society took its best shot at us in those early days and were summarily rebuffed. Last October we got frisky and played an on-air version of Russian Roulette but dodged that bullet too. Like two drunk smart-alecks stumbling down the median on a busy interstate, we somehow keep dodging the 18-wheelers. Tune in this season and see what manner of radio carnage we can create.
Yes… we ARE going to discuss “Hazing/Prank-gate”.
We’ll be on for an hour two hours prior to each Tar Heel game kick-off beginning this Saturday at 4:00 PM. WCHL 97.9 FM has limited signal outside 15-20 miles of Franklin Street but via the handy-dandy APP you can catch us nearbout anywhere.
Here’s the LINK to the App. Albert, have Garret do it for you. I can’t explain how “apps” work.
This year we are broadcasting on-location from legendary Franklin Street in the front yard of The University Methodist Church (across from Sutton’s Drug Store) wherein I have been assured we can seek sanctuary if need be. At least I CAN. Not sure about Art. To quote Serge A. Storms: “Be Careful. It’s Dumb Out there.”
Someone once accused Art & I of being “homers”. Two UNC alums doing a UNC Football show on a Chapel Hill radio station serving the immediate Chapel Hill environs. Geeee, why on earth might we show partiality to the local team. I suppose those same cynics think Ol’ Woody was “a homer” too. Ok, not the best example to use.
We are not affiliated with, or sponsored by, The Flagship or its Sports Network in any way. We may appear partial because….. well because we ARE.
FWIW…… The ALOFT Hotel is NOT one of our sponsors. That’s a clever sequeway to……
I have absolutely no idea what took place at The Aloft a few weeks ago. I had never heard of The Aloft until this past Tuesday. I still don’t know where it is.
NOTE: I am NOT an investigative journalist. I’m not even “a journalist”. I am “a guy with a website” who offers insightful commentaries on the wackier issues of the day. If it’s being talked about in cyberspace, I try to cull out the abject insanity from close approximations to reality. True Truth being way too much to ever hope for.
Tuesday afternoon I received an e-mail link to the Yahoo report on UNC Hazing Investigation. First I knew about it. Several hours later I saw a screen crawl on ESPN re: UNC Football Hazing Investigation. A few minutes later I received a phone call from a longtime friend who is MUCH closer to UNC Sports than I am or than I care to be.
He outlined a scenario of the incident that was entirely plausible to me. “Hazing” was implausible, but had been chosen to add all sorts of incendiary bells & whistles to the headline. It succeeded. I imagined the Chapel Hill-Carrboro League Of The Terminally Offended was already planning a candlelight vigil.
BUT whatever actually happened was likely going to be mismanaged by UNC’s crackerjack team of Crisis MisManagers led by that whizbang $300,000 Vice Chancellor of Crisis Mismanagement. The one they hired a year ago after two tumultuous years of mismanaging earlier crisis’ without a Vice Chancellor to supervise it.
“Something not-good” happened in a The Aloft hotel room 3-4 weeks earlier at the start of UNC’s Preseason camp. According to my source “a whole lot of people knew about it” but were “keeping quiet because ……”. Because it could be the Ultimate Nightmare Scenario that lurks in every Power Five program and scares the bejeebers out of every Head Coach.
This is America 2014. Reality & Right are not that simple to coordinate.
Who chose the word “Hazing” as the combustible buzzword? By midmorning Wednesday, the word “Prank” began appearing. I don’t know who chose “Prank” either. A War of Semantics has developed between rival spinmeisters. I imagine ABCers were going with “UNC terrorist attack”….. “UNCheats serial killers”…. and “UNC Cartel gangbangers”.
Then Coach Fedora announced the four suspensions. 18 hours AFTER that ESPN screen crawl. I really like Larry Fedora. Roy doesn’t know Twitter from a ham sandwich but I figured Coach Fedora knew it’s 2014.… Nothing is guaranteed to bite you in the butt like attempting to squelch bad news.
Flashback to the nightmare of that Butch – Holden – Dickie press conference four years ago….. or the Meezer & Dickie Fire Matt disaster with the pissed-off posse.
Another Crisis Mismanagement Trainwreck has gone “Thelma & Louise” at Yea Olde Flagship.
To absolutely no one’s surprise, Little Carol From Dartmouth remained mute and unseen wherever she has been hiding the past year or so. She issued a statement earlier in the week saying “sexual assaults are a bad thing” but otherwise Little Carol ain’t said nuthin’ about this….. Coach Fedora is pretty much Robinson Crusoe (without Friday) with this one so far.
No word from Rashad, PJ, or Fats Thomas. BUT…. The brother of the white kid walk-on that got beat-up went bonkers on Twitter and became an instant hero with ABC-Nation.
Joel Curran and this crackerjack team of crisis mismanagers have no doubt “gone to the mattresses” to insure that the bungled cover-up could be much worse than whatever really happened.
Powers that be at UNC might seriously consider changing the UNCCH motto from Lux Libertas to:
That, alas, has become The Carolina Way.