Every “writer” gets asked how do you go about writing a column.
Me? I come up with a provocative title first, then just type 800 words beneath it. I don’t think this method is taught in any creative writing class on Earth.
Today’s Eye-Catching Title (ya think!) came in the backwash of recent BullyBarber Mob attacks on the NC General Assembly. Stuff Bully’s media DEFINITELY will hide from you.
As you might imagine I have more “eyes” around Jones Street than an Idaho potato farm and more “ears” in the NCGA hallways than an Iowa cornfield. Very little worth knowing happens that doesn’t reach me via my legion of contacts. To wit todays……
You know all about last week’s invasion of Speaker Tillis’ office by the Flex-Cuffed Fourteen, right? I told you who they were and their mugshots and their motley sordid resumes, so what else is there? Howsabout an eye witness to them taking the Speaker’s Office hostage?
Yes indeedy, a very observant AgentPierce operative got up close and personal with the gypsies, tramps and thieves that Rev Bully (and his media stooges) keeps telling you are “just regular mainstream citizens”.
Do you know any “regular mainstream citizens” you can smell from 30’ away. You ever had a pair of “regular mainstream citizens” start dry humpin’ one another while you and twenty-some other citizens had no option but to watch incredulously? If so…. then those were the same ones in Tillis’ office last week.
Here’s the report:
“….. it would not have been so bad except for the horrible stench. They all smelled to high heaven. It was gag inducing. I would not be surprised if Barber told them all not to bathe for a week.
THEN, two of them started dry humping each other over in the corner….one of the old hippies told them to knock it off and they did.
They were all beyond rude and disrespectful, but it was the odor that almost did us all in.
Wonder if “Rev Dick” was one of the “old hippies” that tried to pry apart the dry humpers? OH…. that is NOT Rev Dick’s pic up top. Its just a funny picture of an old coot. Not one of Barber’s old coots.
Looks like BullyBarber used the same search firm to find his motley mobbers that Obama uses to find soldiers to trade for terrorists. Maybe they should use Craigs List, huh?
Check back to our column with the mobbers mug shots and see if you can pick out the dry humpers. Please Lord, don’t let it have been Rev Rubye. Noooooo!
I would never second-guess Bro’ Barber on how he orchestrates these weekly freakshows. He knows he has carte blanc from Uncle Jim Goodmon to do any damn thing he wants. Jim will order his journo-weasels to report only what Bully & Jim want you to know. That’s been the game plan going on two years now. Don’t expect it to change.
Remember the Cardinal Rule of Liberal Journalism: It’s not only OK, it’s expected, that one out&out lies. Because it’s always for a Greater Good that only lying liberals are smarter enough to envision.
Oh, I don’t think I shared this. I received an indignant email from a “close confidant” of Barber’s charging that I had “made up” the Flex-Cuffed Fourteen and purposely chose pics of scraggly-looking derelicts and street thugs to discredit Pope Bully The Wonderful.
I, of course, directed “close confidant” to WTVD-TV11’s website where the scraggly-looking derelicts and street thugs were each pictured with names and everything. Looking up their assorted “priors” was easy too. Have not heard back from “close confidant” on that matter.
My John Locke buddy – Jon Sanders – made a great point in his column on these office takeovers stunts. When a protesting mob is too small in total to be impressive….. use a small space (an office) for the photo op so a small group (i.e. 14 or 11) fills up the small space implying there are A LOT of scraggly-looking derelicts and street thugs. Again, it requires a compliant media to go along with that stunt but since Barber can count on that, it’s no problem. Don’t be forgetting that in the weeks to come. If you do, I’ll remind you.
I going to assume most of you have been reading on Carolina Plott Hound about Barber’s Security Thugs trying to intimidate Dallas Woodhouse’s people on Halifax Mall. Physical and psychological intimidation is a key element in BullyBarber’s tactics. I saw the same tactics at a New Black Panther rally a few years ago. They teach it at Race-baiter School.
Again, a “real media” would report that. Jim Goodmon’s weasels and The N&O won’t.
I take it as a compliment that many of you think I make this crap up. I don’t. I don’t have to “make anything up”.
One last question. Do you rank this column’s title equal to or better than Tom Ross Is A Nincompoop?