MON 10/17 (CLICK)

October17/ 2011

Rangers vs Cardinals
….. Can we simply declare a tie and give both teams rings?  As noted in past comments, I don’t have “favorite teams”.  I basically like any team where the players behave themselves by my standards.  That eliminates The NBA, The Crips, The Bloods, MS13 and Chas Manson’s Family.  In MLB I really like both The Rangers and The Cardinals.  I have ties to both metro areas.
The “birds on the bat” is my favorite uniform logo and I always pull for Josh Hamilton on the field and in Life.
The David Freese story is straight out of Chip Hilton – born and raised in St Louis and now starring for the home town redbirds.   Beeeseball can sure be fun to follow.

Bubba Impresses
….. If you watched any of the Meet Bubba Show on Thursday, you saw a confident and gracious executive introduce himself to a reeling fanbase reluctantly coming to grips with it’s own mortality.  UNC needs Bubba Cunningham more than Bubba needs UNC.   
Bubba will quickly learn that Tar Heels is two words and how many Choos in Choo Choo.  St Butch never bothered to learn either; but, hey he was only here five years.  Bubba ain’t Butch.  UNC has made its first giant step to putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Speaking of Butch
….. Last week, for reasons known only in the dark recesses of his deluded mind, St Butch The Divine sent out a “I didn’t know nuthin’ and I did so do a lot of good things” letter to former UNC Football Lettermen.   On Saturday, even guys sympathetic to how Butch was canned where saying “Dude, just GO AWAY …. it’s over.”
It was another very embarrassing and empty gesture by a man that shunned any/all UNC Football traditions during his reign as UNC’s Mad Messiah.
The movie Office Space and that sad dude in the basement with his stapler.  That’s you Butch!

Real Tar Heel Heroes
….. Two unsung Tar Heel heroes dropped by The Choo Choo Lounge on Saturday.  Billy Dee Greenwood was a UNC DB in the Torbush Era.  He served on the Raleigh Police Dept and most recently pulled a special combat tour in Afghanistan.  Billy was on the scene when that Blackhawk helicopter crashed killing the SEALS.
Pat Shea was a Hickey recruit in the mid 60s.  Pat recently retired from a 25 year career as a FBI / DEA agent in South Florida.  People Magazine did a piece on Pat a few years ago when he was going head-to-head with real-life Tony “Scarface” Montanas.  Crockett & Tubbs were Hollywood creations.  UNC’s Pat Shea was “The Real Deal”.
Also …. great to see Danny Talbott hail and hearty.  Danny did a stint at UNC Lineberger’s Cancer Unit about six months ago.  #10 From Rocky Mount is looking good with a clean bill of health.

American Tobacco Trail
….. I’ve been trekking The American Tobacco Trail lately.  It’s a 22-mile gravel/asphalt path thru Durham to Jordan Lake.   A beautiful scenic route that should be awesome as the leaves turn these next few weeks.

Interim Ev’s Task
….. Not a lot of optimism re: Interim Ev’s future.  He needs two quality Ws in the next four weeks.   The mythical “State Championship” is still a possibility.   Whatever Ev’s future, it’s going to take a lot more than “a players petition” to remove the Interim.  A growing consensus is saying “powerwash away all “the Butch’!  Whatever …. Bubba is in charge now.

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