October13/ 2010

 OK, you with all the answers.  Here’s your at-bat in the BobLee Fantasy version of Resolving The Great Unpleasantness.  Suppose your opinion actually had consequences.  Suppose YOU were in …..


How would you resolve This Mess ?

There are stipulations you must consider in submitting your incredibly insightful Plan of Action:

•    As Chancellor you have a constituent population of faculty, staff, alumni, students, and taxpayers who run the gamut of extreme POVs on every aspect of modern life.  There is no “typical UNC Tar Heel”. 
•    Your “what I’d do” includes convincing a majority of your supervisory Board of Trustees AND a majority of the Board of Governors to publicly support your Plan of Action.
•    Due to the high profile and emotional nature of this issue, how you resolve it will define your tenure as Chancellor positively or negatively and/or could even bring that tenure to a close.
•    Whatever path you choose, you will encounter significant vocal and emotional resistance.

significant individuals AND raving lunatics…

Some of that opposition resistance will be from significant individuals.  Some will be from raving lunatics.  The difference is not as easily distinguishable as you might think.
•    UNC as an institution and as part of the UNC System, is in the midst of a “perfect storm” of financial woes.  Any significant expense, regardless of its source of funding, will be closely scrutinized.

Many of you share my right-wing persuasion and would be tempted to use a single-issue tenure as Chancellor to wreck havoc on the ideological mis-direction of UNC.  As delightful as such prospect might be, restrict comments today to this mess.

Disemboweling Gene Nichol and his ilk with a rusty oyster knife or craming’em feet-first into a wood chipper is a discussion for another day.  Using an oyster knife or a wood chipper in resolving the Football Mess is OK of course.

Beyond the above, you have free rein to expound.  There are issues such as existing contracts and facility construction ….. the history and future of Big Time Football at UNC ….. current / future coaching and AD hires …… is Butch the problem or “a Butch-type”? …… defining “a competitive program” …… how important is Football to the future of UNC Athletics and to the University’s image …… how important are non-revenue sports programs …. how important is overall public perception of UNCCH as an institution ? ?

Feel free to totally ignore reality if you wish; but don’t expect that approach to merit you a Thank You e-note from Holden or Erskine.

In posting your offerings try to keep them under /around 120 words or less if possible.  Feel free to use text-speak abbreviations.  Sneaking in ROTFLMAO might be a challenge.  Those first four bullet-points above are just over 120 words.

Avoid the abrupt – Just Fire Butch & Dickie ASAP – Although Henry Ford did say the best ideas can be expressed in the fewest words.

I PROMISE:  Any/all Plans Of Action not written in cyber-crayon (and not referencing my mamma in a profane manner) WILL BE personally delivered by me to Holden.

Keep in mind that there are elements to this glorious mess of which you are currently unaware.  Were you aware, it might change your strategy.

It doesn’t matter for this exercise if you are a UNC alum ….. a Rams Club member ….. a Wuffie, Devil or Pirate …… Dickie’s cable guy …… under psychiatric care …. or just a functioning adult with an IQ larger than your hat size.  If you wish to include your specs – that’s fine. ….. OK, Buddies & Babes & scary lurker-types:

If your Plan is based on “board monkey BS” gleaned from rabid partisan loonie bins please indicate.  We’ll put “those” in a special folder.

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