ALL ABOARD The Mack2.0 Bandwagon …. and Bubba to SoCal?

September09/ 2019


Sept 9, 2019


ALL ABOARD The Mack2.0 Bandwagon… & Bubba to SoCal ?


I think its great that Mack2.0 is off to a rousing 2-0 start.  Absolutely NO ONE predicted this so CHAOS rules among Tru-Blues AND Hated Rivals fan bases.  I love CHAOS!  Mack did it versus two Power5 programs that were predicted to “not suck”.

Will a 3rd W this weekend at BBT Field @ Groves Stadium @ NOT Dixie Classic Fairgrounds have TruBlues in a conga line down historic Franklin Street celebrating the long-awaited SLEEPING GIANT AWAKES ?  Sure, why not…


BREAKING NEWS:  Before we get deeper into Mack2.0… Way Out Yonder in The Land of Fruits & Nuts & Really Rabid Trump-Haters, our old friend (?) Carol “Chihuahua” Folt is looking for an AthleticsDirector at her college – Southern Cal.  Bubba Cunningham

Lynn Swann just “resigned” (wink) and apparently there are no other “former Southern Cal Football Heroes” interested in the job.   Pat Haden and Mike Garrett preceded Swann not very well.

The first report of Swann’s departure links UNC’s BubbaTheRealAD as Choice #1 for the gig… Bubba would be Choice #1 for A LOT of Big Time AD gigs.

I do NOT see it happening.  Bubba has turned down two Top Jobs w/ Big $$$ – Florida and UTenn so I can’t see $$$ motivating him to jump into that dumpster fire.  Chapel Hill IS a municipal insane asylum but LA is much more insanier with worsier taxes and traffic.  But just the speculation will stir up the locals.


Even the most delusional TruBlues were predicting maybe 4 Ws in Year One of Mack2.0 with those coming from Mercer, maybe AppState, and – If There IS A God – at least State and/or Duke.   So Mack is playing with “house money” for a few weeks.

The current euphoria could, of course, diminish just a tad if “Deacon Dave” whups Mack like he whupped DDoeren and Duke Dave recently.

Is it just me… does playing “BIG FOUR” MEMBER Wake Forest NOT get TruBlues too motivated these days.  Not to the OMG WE GOTTA WIN level of playing State and Duke.  Larry Fedora (and Herb Sendak) never understood that fervor.

HISTORICAL NOTE:  Yours truly FIRST suggested on this website the concept of UNC playing WFU (and State v Duke) as Non-Conference games in order to rekindle old rivalries several months BEFORE it was decided to do so.  THAT’s a Fact.

How will the next 10 games go for Mack2.0?  He just lost a key defensive back for the year.  He can’t afford to lose too many.  Larry didn’t leave the cupboard overflowing with Power5 talent.  If Team Mack can stay healthy… and their confidence keeps rising… well, ya never know.

Come December 1st… ALL that will REALLY matter is Did Mack Beat State… and Duke?  Thats all that ever REALLY matters around these parts.

A shout out to the forever-maligned UNC Football Faithful who DID show up early and did the Hootin & Hollerin that Mack asked them to.   FWIW… No reports of drunken debauchery from BEER IN KENAN… thats good.  Oh and UNC lit up Their Bell Tower… Geeeee, wonder where they got THAT idea?

Meanwhile over at “The Cradle of NFL QBs” … AKA NC State, they are 2-0 whuppin up on local directional schools.   A trip up to “The sofa-burning capital of Appalachia” Morgantown WV awaits The Pack.

Theres More


Did you see the report about NBA Superstar Kawhi Leonard’s sister?  YOWSA… seems she killed an 84 y/o lady in the restroom of a casino in Temecula CA by crushing her skull against a lavatory.  Kawhi, of course, is the latest NBA GOAT Du Jour.

LINK …. 

Did I mention that Kawhi Leonard’s Killer Sister is 6’2″ and 320 lbsA BIG-UN! …with former arrests for Grand TheftAuto and a bunch of other gangsta crap.  – 6’2″ / 320 lbs – crushing a 84 y/o lady’s skull in a casino restroom.  NOT a story one reads every day…  huh?

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As you guys know… I do not follow the NFL… haven’t for several years now.  But I do see “interesting stories” that makes the top of major sports websites.

Malcontented WR Antonio Brown got hisself fired from The Raiders for calling the white GM “a cracker” and then signed with The Patriots … huuummm.Cam Newton

Then there was Cam Newton’s latest fashion statement after the Panthers loss.  Johnny Unitas, YA Tittle, Bart Starr and even Kenny “The Snake” Stabler or “Broadway Joe” Namath never showed up quite LIKE THAT!  OK, Joe did wear a full-length mink coat once.   Cam’s outfit was a bit much for Elton John…

Me and The NFL have drifted far apart culturally speaking.  Both of us are getting along just fine without one another.

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Check out a website called … LINK …. it’s a series of on-line classes about “stuff” you might want to learn about taught by celebrities who really know how to do the stuff. Very Very well-done presentations. … Famous Chefs… Famous Writers … Movie Producers … all kinds of stuff.

One of the classes is 16 sessions about cooking Texas-style BBQ taught by Aaron Franklin of Austin’s world famous Franklin BBQ.   I bought that one for son-in-law Pastor Danny,  He LOVES IT.

Kid was so impressed by it… that I bought them an ALL ACCESS PASS so they can take All 30+ classes.  Really cool stuff … Check It Out!


More BobLeeSays Columns … LINK


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