Duke “Snowflakes” on The Warpath !!

Duke Snowflakes
April04/ 2016

Duke may be off the sports page these days but that isn’t stopping West Derm’s notorious Gothic insane asylum from “making news”.  Mike Krzyzewski isn’t yelling at poor little Ducks any longer.

This time it’s a handful of quite constipated “snowflakes” shutting down the school’s Administration Office.  Yeee-HA!

Duke Protest

NOTE:  “Snowflakes” is the new term to describe the latest “fad” sweeping across the academic campi of America.  These oh-so-fragile aggrieved little munchkins can come in all shapes, sizes, genders (lots and lots of “genders) and ideologies.   What they all have in common is a complete lack of “common sense” and maturity… and a GREATLY exaggerated sense of self-importance.

In many cases they aren’t even enrolled students at the institutions they are attacking but rather itinerant anarchists-wannabees who are “majoring” in whining and self-annointed “victimhood”.  They give new meaning to the term “pathetic”.

The only purpose for “snowflakes” existence is for the rest of us to look at’em and be soooo thankful “they aren’t ours”.   If they ARE “yours” then hopefully you were better at other things because you were a total failure as a parent.

It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s giant state-supported “institutions” or snooty private schools like Duke and Emory…. when a handful of “snowflakes” decide to “make news” they simply notify the local media.  The info-fluffies and satellite trucks arrive  on the scene and the poor aggrieved little “snowflakes” get to star in their very own film noir…. pretending to “matter”.

This latest one is at Duke…. home of Duke Lacrosse Scandal and the Gang of 88 pot-bangers.  Surely you remember all that silliness.Duke Broadhead

Duke and it’s ringmaster – Richard Brodhead (of Duke Lacrosse infamy) – has provided a nutritionally rich environment for “aggrieved little snowflakes” to grow and attract undue attention.  Alas, like raising pit bulls and rattlesnakes…. at some point they WILL turn on you and bite the hand that fed them.

This current OMG Embarrassment for Prez Brodhead & Company involves an “alleged” incident some months ago in which one of Brodhead’s executive staff – Tallman Trask III – (yes, that’s his real name!) “allegedly” used THE “N WORD” in an altercation with a parking attendant of the AfAm persuasion.

Who knows if he did or not.  A Duke administrator for over 20 years – Tallman Trask III – likely did NOT “use THE N WORD but it is his word versus the aggrieved snowflake so he is probably “toast”.  One fine career down the toilet.

Given the choice of blowing off the aggrieved snowflakes or standing by a very loyal senior staffer, Brodhead will likely throw the senior staffer under the bus if Brodhead’s history is any indication.

The handful of aggrieved snowflakes also want dramatic increases in campus minimum wages and a lengthy list of other stoopid crap …. because they know Brodhead will probably give them whatever they want.   After all there are SEVEN of them and only one President Richard Brodhead who makes well in excess of $1,000,000/year to be Ringmaster at Circus de’ Duke.

Here’s the story of this latest foolishness.   Keep in mind that It Is At Duke… so it really doesn’t matter to any of us “in the Real World”.   But it is always fun to hear about such ridiculum, isn’t it?



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