AAT: Stevie, Bill & BELO…..

June10/ 2013

Did you know…..

Former N&O Editorial Dweeb – Stevie “Whiffenpoof” Ford – has crawled out from under a rock with NC Policy Watch. NCPW is one of several extreme left-wing activist organizations that Stevie has aggressively shilled for over the years.

Did Stevie fill out a job application with the John Locke Foundation? Probably not. His chances with Civitas probably not any better. Sigh…..

A recent NCPW rant by Stevie indicated his lifelong bone-deep hatred for all things Conservative is still his #1 passion in life. A sad, angry and very self-righteous little man!

This “after The N&O what?” gig for Stevie doesn’t appear as lucrative as the one Tudor landed with WRAL. Wonder if Stevie can find a nest for his old “hating Repubs” partner – Jimmy Jenkins?


Monday’s Bill Barber’s Mob ‘R Us Hoot & Hate Rally at the General Assembly looked more like a Job Fair for lesbian ministers. OUCH!

Good Lord (pun intended) there were so many Holy Sisters of Sappho on-hand I thought I was at a WNBA game. ….. If God WAS on “their side” how come He ordered up a thunderstorm? Hey, I’m just asking.

Rev Bill missed his own hootin-nanny. The Rev had something more important to do…. so did 99.9% of humanity. BUT plenty of obliging media sycophants were on-hand to get really really tight shots and carefully choreographed sound bites. Wonder if George Soros got his money’s worth.


I’ve got a lunch scheduled this week with my old sparring partner – BELO – from the N&O mosh pit. Since I left that scary spider’s nest six months ago, BELO has firmly established himself (at least in his own muddled mind) as their leading on-line authority on all things political, sporting and pretty much everything else.

Big decision I have to make….. What sheet to wear ??? – fitted or flat ….. percale or Egyptian cotton? You might recall that BELO is convinced All Repubs are Grand Dragons in the you-know-what. The old rascal has a Kunte Kinte Complex that just won’t quit.

Yes…. a full report will be forthcoming.

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