It’s Not The Heat… It’s The Hypocrisy

February23/ 2013

As expected, this brouhaha over “the leaked strategy memo” is being defused and irrelevented (sp?) by media co-conspirators of both BluePrintNC and ProgressNC. Surely everyone who follows “the media” especially in the Triangle area saw this coming the split-second the story broke. As I stated in my initial column on this – “the strategy” is NOT the story. Their media co-conspirators are “the story. …….. They are IN CAHOOTS!

Politics is a ”blood sport”. It is a high stakes, play-for-keeps endeavor not for the charitable, the squeamish or the “play-by-the-rules” competitors. There are no silver medals given out for second place in an election. There is a name for 2nd place finishers in an election – LOSERS.

It is 2013. If a party and/or individual candidates are not willing to “do what it takes to win” in the arena of public perception then that party / candidate will LOSE. To paraphrase George Patton: “The purpose of war is not to die for one country but to make that poor bastard on the other side die for his country.”

“Well, we lost but we refused to sink to the below-the-belt tactics of my opponent” Puhleeeze. That is a loser’s lament. If you are of the “we will play fair even if it means we lose” philosophy then please take your yard sign and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

It is 2013. I don’t condemn “what” these extreme left-wing terrorist cells are trying to do. I simply want full disclosure of who is bankrolling their smear & destroy campaigns – Capitol Broadcasting and McClatchy’s N&O.

Sean Kosofsky (BlueprintNC) and Gerrick Brenner (ProgressNC) are two-bit punks trying to make names for themselves by ruining the political reputations of the leaders of North Carolina’s Republican Party….. with the aggressive cooperation of two well-known media organizations.

Both Kosofsky and Breener are hoping to attract national attention from ObamaGang operatives and become the next Carville / Begala.

But AgentPierce – WE WON. We DO currently control NC politics. Yes we did and Halle-freakin-luyah for that. We won in November because Dumplin’ Perdue was THE poster-dumplin’ for total political incompetence. We rode her incompetent skirt-tails to victory. Don’t count on that keeping us in power.

To my point here….. THE real story right now in “the leaked strategy memo” is NOT the strategy. It is the further revelation of who is in bed with BlueprintNC and ProgressNC.

Specifically Jim (and Barbara) Goodmon – Limo Liberals Extraordinare who own Capitol Broadcasting (WRAL-TV5 and WRAL 101.5FM). Thru their shadow non-profit funding arm – The AJ Fletcher Foundation – they fund a plethora of hard-core liberal social-cultural-political special ops teams including BlueprintNC.

We continually expose Goodmon’s designated dumpster-divers – Laura Leslie and Mark Binker. Leslie and Binker were hired specifically to denigrate and destroy GOP elected officials.

Any NC Repub who cooperates with either Leslie or Binker beyond what is required by “open-access” statutes is a FOOL and deserves the consequences.

Any Conservative in the WRAL viewer radius who contributes to WRAL’s audience “because we like Greg Fishel the weatherman” or any other similarly stoopid reason is supporting the local equivalent of MSNBC or CNN.

Jim & Barbara Goodmon contribute significant $$$$ to the on-going sabotage of the NCGOP by BlueprintNC. But Jim Goodmon owns the Durham Bulls ??? So? …. and he despises everything you believe in if you consider yourself a Conservative.

Jim Goodmon – like Art Pope – is free to give his $$$ to whatever political causes he chooses to. And I am free to tell you what those causes are. “Citizen Goodmon” will NOT determine the news I see and hear.

Oh…. and The Z Smith Reynolds Foundation gave $400,000 to BlueprintNC…. and is now claiming they “didn’t know what the organization REALLY did”. Yeeee Hahaha. That is a “definition of is” pile of crap worthy of Slick Willie. The Z Smith Reynolds Foundation funds even more extreme left-wing groups than the Goodmons do. Yes, current UNC System President Tom Ross was Executive Director of The Z Smith Reynolds Foundation for many years. No shock there.

The lead weasel for ProgressNC is a snively punk named Gerrick Brenner. Brenner earned his bones in the WCPSS election in 2011. Brenner orchestrated a full-scale smear campaign against Republican school board candidates.

His smear campaign was effective due to the full and aggressive cooperation of McClatchy Corp’s News & Observer. The N&O refused to publish the sources of Brenner’s funding despite it being legally required to do so.

After engineering the defeat of the candidates that The N&O also wanted defeated, Gerrick Brenner has become “a special contributor” to The N&O. The N&O gives Brenner full access to their ever-dwindling readership to assist their own “hit squad” of dumpster-divers (Christensen & Frank) to harass and destroy the political reputations of high profile NCGOP officials.

Yeah, I know.. You still subscribe to The N&O but just “for the grocery coupons”. That is a cop-out. You are aiding and abetting the enemy.

These four organizations:
BlueprintNC – ProgressNC – McClatchy Corp. (N&O & Chrl Obsrv) – Capitol Broadcasting Co. (WRAL) are united in their dedication to do whatever it takes to destroy and defeat Conservatives / Republicans in North Carolina.

If you think “every Conservative already knows this AP.” WRONG. I run into supposedly savy Republicans everyday who have no clue who “McClatchy” is or who Jim Goodmon is much less their connection to destroying the NC Republican Party.

At a Conservative candidate forum last Spring, I had a vacuous nitwit say “I like Rob “ReilleWho” Christensen because I like the NC Symphony and I think he does too.” YOWSAAAA! What’s next – “Joe Biden is probably a good guy because I hear he buys Girl Scout cookies.” ??? PEOPLE – WAKE UP !!!!

Lots more on all this in future columns. You have some totally clueless Conserv friends. Send this to them. It might help.

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